Back in February a natural gas explosion took the lives of five people and displaced many others. I was sitting in the living room of my friends apartment in Queens when I first read about it. The article I read said the Red Cross was collecting bedding and clothes for the more than 70 people displaced by this explosion. I turned to my friend, Mim, and said "Ooh, when I go home I have to go through my closet and donate some stuff" to which she replied "You should have a benefit."
Now, I haven't lived in the area for very long. Under 4 years. I had been spending a lot of my time in NYC or gallivanting across the country on tour or doing other theater-related jobs. I didn't consider my roots or ties here very strong. UNTIL!
I posted a Facebook status wondering if there was any interest for local singers/musicians to help out with a benefit to raise money for the victims of the explosion. Almost immediately, I had a dozen people write to me saying "YES", "Absolutely", "Count me in!", "What do you need me to do?" I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support.
Now, I have many years of special event planning experience...with budgets...big ones. But, by the grace of God, this event is going to be a success with a budget of $0 and all due to the gigantic hearts of the owners of the Starfish Brasserie and the local musicians.
When I sent out a general Tweet on Twitter asking if there were any local restaurants or venues willing to host th
e event, Starfish stepped up to the plate. Not only did the owner offer his restaurant free of charge but he is also providing hors d'ouevres for the guests AND donated an amazing 6 course dinner for 2 with wine pairing as a Tricky Tray prize. I use Facebook and Twitter a lot to network and get the word out about shows I am performing in. I didn't realize how many people were seeing my tweet or FB statuses and spreading the word. Mr. Donald Flad, Jr. a local to the Bethlehem/Allentown area and a member of the Lehigh Valley Tweet-up group I belong to jumped up and started the buzz about the event to all the local chambers and bars and restaurants and through his Twitter account. The United Way caught wind and said they'd like to help since they established a fund for the victims: Allentown Family Fund.
So here we are...almost 3 months after the fact but the need is still great. The event went from this small idea into this big amazing event with 13 vocalists, a country bluegrass
band, local celebrity bartenders, the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, a radio station, local events bloggers, Tweeters, Facebookers, and so on...all caring about what happens in their community. And I had something to do with that. I've always had a big heart and a soft spot for the less fortunate. And whenever I find myself complaining about not being able to go on that vacation, or buy that pretty dress, or having to clip coupons - I always stop and remind myself of the roof over my head, the shoes on my feet, and the food in my refrigerator. I remind myself of the loving husband I get to hold hands with, the cats I get to cuddle with, and the car I get to drive (albeit old and beaten). I am reminded of the friends and acquaintances who care about me and the things I care about and go to great lengths to help me do this for those who cannot help themselves.
I may not have millions to donate to the Allentown Family Fund myself but I do have something that can help. My God given talent. My voice. My heart. And I am finding out how lucky I am to have met all these amazingly talented singers and musicians who didn't think twice about donating their time and talent for others.
I was having a conversation with one of the singers at the rehearsal for the event about what life is like without the outlet to sing and perform. Empty. Lost. So by using what God has given us to create an event that will help more than 70 victims of the explosion it also fills a void as a performer. That need to get up there and do what we were put on earth to do. So what better than to combine our passion for what we do with the need to help these families so desperately trying to rebuild their lives.
Now come on out to event!! You will not be disappointed.
Cindi Greatsinger
Courtney Haines
Allie Wertheim
Allison Saba
Carol Broughton
Ryan Kelly
Janis Greim
Michael Pilgermayer
Wendy Borst
Bob Cohen
Christine Hjorth
Rebecca Pieper-Bohun
Kirsten Almeida
Wooden Nickel
EMCEE: Oliver Blatt
Celebrity Bartender: Donald Flad, Jr.
Tricky Tray donations from: Starfish Brasserie, Pines Dinner Theatre, Civic Theatre of Allentown, Shine Salon, Biltmore Inspirations, Mary Kay, Avon, Premier Designs Jewelry, Hava Java, Intuitions Spa, After 9 Designs, Tastefully Simple, Scentsy, Willow House, Bamboo Pink, Lia Sophia, Pampered Chef, iTunes, SoulDoll, and more...
Restaurant and Hors D'ouevres donated by: Starfish Brasserie
Sound donated by Michael Pilgermayer
Accompanist: Lucille Kincaid
Promotional Support: United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, Donald Flad, Jr. LehighValleyLive, B104, Laini's Little Pocket Guide, Starfish Brasserie
Monday, April 11, 2011
7 -9 PM
Starfish Brasserie
51 West Broad Street
Bethlehem, PA
$15 Cash
Tricky Tray Tickets: 1 - $1 ; 10 - $5 ; Arms length - $10
Cash Bar
QUOTE OF THE WEEK:Now, I haven't lived in the area for very long. Under 4 years. I had been spending a lot of my time in NYC or gallivanting across the country on tour or doing other theater-related jobs. I didn't consider my roots or ties here very strong. UNTIL!
I posted a Facebook status wondering if there was any interest for local singers/musicians to help out with a benefit to raise money for the victims of the explosion. Almost immediately, I had a dozen people write to me saying "YES", "Absolutely", "Count me in!", "What do you need me to do?" I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support.
Now, I have many years of special event planning experience...with budgets...big ones. But, by the grace of God, this event is going to be a success with a budget of $0 and all due to the gigantic hearts of the owners of the Starfish Brasserie and the local musicians.
When I sent out a general Tweet on Twitter asking if there were any local restaurants or venues willing to host th

So here we are...almost 3 months after the fact but the need is still great. The event went from this small idea into this big amazing event with 13 vocalists, a country bluegrass

I may not have millions to donate to the Allentown Family Fund myself but I do have something that can help. My God given talent. My voice. My heart. And I am finding out how lucky I am to have met all these amazingly talented singers and musicians who didn't think twice about donating their time and talent for others.
I was having a conversation with one of the singers at the rehearsal for the event about what life is like without the outlet to sing and perform. Empty. Lost. So by using what God has given us to create an event that will help more than 70 victims of the explosion it also fills a void as a performer. That need to get up there and do what we were put on earth to do. So what better than to combine our passion for what we do with the need to help these families so desperately trying to rebuild their lives.
Now come on out to event!! You will not be disappointed.
Cindi Greatsinger
Courtney Haines
Allie Wertheim
Allison Saba
Carol Broughton
Ryan Kelly
Janis Greim
Michael Pilgermayer
Wendy Borst
Bob Cohen
Christine Hjorth
Rebecca Pieper-Bohun
Kirsten Almeida
Wooden Nickel
EMCEE: Oliver Blatt
Celebrity Bartender: Donald Flad, Jr.
Tricky Tray donations from: Starfish Brasserie, Pines Dinner Theatre, Civic Theatre of Allentown, Shine Salon, Biltmore Inspirations, Mary Kay, Avon, Premier Designs Jewelry, Hava Java, Intuitions Spa, After 9 Designs, Tastefully Simple, Scentsy, Willow House, Bamboo Pink, Lia Sophia, Pampered Chef, iTunes, SoulDoll, and more...
Restaurant and Hors D'ouevres donated by: Starfish Brasserie
Sound donated by Michael Pilgermayer
Accompanist: Lucille Kincaid
Promotional Support: United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley, Donald Flad, Jr. LehighValleyLive, B104, Laini's Little Pocket Guide, Starfish Brasserie
Monday, April 11, 2011
7 -9 PM
Starfish Brasserie
51 West Broad Street
Bethlehem, PA
$15 Cash
Tricky Tray Tickets: 1 - $1 ; 10 - $5 ; Arms length - $10
Cash Bar
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." ~William James
VIDEO OF THE WEEK: I am not posting a video in this blog. I will be taking video footage of tomorrow night's benefit and posting it in the next blog. Stay tuned!
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