Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sometimes I feel so uninspired.....

As a professional singer/actress and a private coach to aspiring singers and actors, it is my job to be inspired by life and to inspire those I teach. It's not always easy to be inspired by life when life can so easily get in the way which, in turn, makes it difficult to keep my students inspired. What do you do when life DOES get in the way? How do you make it right?

The past few months have been difficult for me because I live to perform and I haven't had a full contract since August. Now don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have been a part of an amazing opportunity in New York City in late October titled 'Songs of the Civil War' with Park & Bark Opera and my talented friends Mim Paquin Robinette and Jason Robinette. And I get the opportunity to share my talents the first Thursday of every month at the Spotlight Cabaret in Allentown, PA. I also have an ongoing gig where I play the Cat in the Hat in the Lehigh Valley.
I also had the opportunity to film two movies this fall in between all the auditioning.

After Happy Days ended in August I put together a plan to audition twice a week in NYC whole maintaining my teaching jobs and kitchen job in Allentown, PA to make ends meet. I never intended any of this to be permanent fixtures in my life. I am, first and foremost, an actress. It's what I love and it's all I want to do.

It got frustrating very fast when I would go to auditions and not get seen....or pay the bus fare from PA only to get to the city to receive a text message that the audition was cancelled...or I'd have an appointment for an audition and leave my friends house in Queens with more than enough time to get to the audition and have the buses in Queens not cooperate and completely miss the appointment. This kept happening. This was NOT part of my plan. I quickly became frustrated and discouraged. How does one get over this?

I woke up one day and said I can't let this get me down. I tell my students all the time part of being in this business is being able to handle rejection and disappointment. So I decided to just do everything with love and purpose. If I missed an audition I wouldn't dwell but I'd work twice as hard to find even more auditions to get to. I'd have a coaching with my acting career coach, Doug Shapiro, to help me figure out a plan of action to make things right...to set my feet firmly on the ground. No more trip ups. It's so hard sometimes to stay positive all the time but I try.

Let's see...in 2011 I lost my best friend, Bethany L. Pacheco-Brum to the nasty 'C' word. From the day I spoke with her about her diagnosis to the day she passed it was only one week. ONE WEEK. It has been just over nine months and everyday I cry...everyday I close my eyes and see her there...everyday I miss her. I can't believe when I go home to visit my parents in my hometown I will not be having our special breakfast gathering. But...I cannot bring her back. I can, however, feel my heart grow with the love I have for her and be thankful for knowing her and having her as my very oldest and closest friend...28 years of memories. And that is positive! I take it day by day and have an amazing support system when I feel myself start to crumble.

Financially, it has been a tough year. So what did I do? I started my own business. Some people think I'm crazy. I say I'm crazy! Haha. Look, I know I don't want to sit at a desk. I don't want to work in retail. I already work in a kitchen which I don't love but at least it's in a theater...(that's what I keep telling myself.) I started Star of the Day Event Productions to be creative, stay in the business, help other actors and artists, offer workshops, and help increase the amount of quality entertainment in my neck of the woods. So I went from scared and penniless to penniless and positive...positive that this idea would start to take off and make money. Guess what? IT DID!

We all have the power in us to choose good...to choose love...to choose positivity and happiness. We all suffer loss and we all endure bad luck. We don't have to let this define who we are and what we are to become. If we fall victim to this negativity then we become a breeding ground for excuses to not succeed at anything. I knew starting a new business in this economy was laughable but I'm an idealist...I'm not a millionaire (yet) but I'm slowly building up and I'm proud. So what if opportunity for contracts hasn't been knocking my door down...I'm going to put on my shoes and go out and make opportunities happen. I'm going to network, send out my headshot to casting directors I want to work with, I will work on my website, I will create a New Year plan for my acting career, I will do .... I will love....I will be happy.

Happiness happens when you choose it. So join me. Choose happiness!


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